Frequently asked questions

Below are a combination of questions and answers. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us!

How can I get to and from Lightotel?
You may choose between taking a TAXI or use PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.

Where can I get breakfast?
We have several options like KLIJN KOOKE or sit down at the bakery MOESKOPS.

Where can I go for breakfast?
For lunch you could go HERE or HERE!

After working all day I would like to have diner. Where can I have diner?
For diner there are several options:

Directly underneath the hotel you can have tapas at QUE PASA. Within 50 meters of the hotel you will find SAINT TROPEZ, leaving the hotel to your right! Next to that is OAKWOOD. And to your left TRUFFELEAR is only 50 meters away!